This is an opportunity for school children to gather a wealth of experience for their lives...
Presentation of the first service card to scouts, who have engaged in services at the Temple Trees marking the beginning of the National Scout Service and Relationship Month, was held under the patronage of Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena. The National Scout Service and Relationship Month organized by the Sri Lanka Scouts Association will be implemented from 1st to 31st of July, and more than 110,000 scouts throughout Sri Lanka expect to engage in scout services during this period.
Prime Minister further commenting at the occasion –
“The process of Scout service and relationship that donates one’s labour to a certain work has been implemented in our country for more than a century. School children joining in this process hold the Scout camp annually to maintain it.
Children get an opportunity to gather a wealth of experiences by travelling to a number of areas. I wish success to all scouts who are committed in that regard and to the Commissioner who take forward the scout movement by strengthening it.”
Chief Scout Commissioner Attorney at Law Mr. Janaprith Fernando- “The Service and Relationship Month 2024 begins on 01st of July. This project is implemented by scouts utilizing their labour for earning a portion of the money required for the association, the district and for their scout group.”
Scout Commissioners led by Deputy Chief Commissioner M.S.S. Muheed, and International Commissioner Dr. Rajeewa Peiris, and a group of scouts joined this event.
Prime Minister’s Media