Germany to assist human resource development in Sri Lanka

German Ambassador to Sri Lanka Dr. Felix Neumann paid called on Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena at the Prime Minister’s Office in Colombo today (July 29).

The Prime Minister thanked Germany for establishing the Ceylon - German Technical Training Institute in 1959 and providing the Sri Lankan youths many benefits through the vocational courses. He stressed the need to introduce new technology to upgrade the Institute to cater to the current global requirements and requested Germany to consider providing support and expertise. The Ambassador agreed to explore possibility of providing German expertise and technological knowhow.

Premier Gunawardena and Ambassador Dr. Neumann discussed ways and means of further expanding bilateral cooperation in tourism, aviation, economic and cultural fields.

The Ambassador accepted the invitation extended by the Prime Minister to attend the Commemoration ceremony of the 100th Anniversary of the founding of ’ Das Buddhistische Haus in Berlin’ (Berlin Buddhist Centre, in Germany) to be held at the Temple Trees on August 3, 2024 where a book titled, ’ Das Buddhistische Haus in Berlin - Frohnau, Germany, (1924-2024)’ and a Special Cover Postage Stamp - Marking the 100th anniversary will be launched.

Parliamentarian Yadamini Gunawarena, Secretary to the Prime Minister, Anura Dissanayake and Christina Foetster, Diplomatic Officer of German Embassy were also present on this occasion.

Prime Minister’s Media