Tlhree-wheelers from all over the island come together to demonstrate the wonder of Vesak...

The installation of Buddhist flags on a thousand three-wheelers for marking the Vesak festival, which was carried out according to the concept of Ven. Elle Gunawansa Thera, Chief Incumbent of Dharmayatana, commenced today (22.05.2024) at Bauddaloka Mawatha, Colombo, under the patronage of Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena.

The Prime Minister commented at the event -

"Under the guidance of Ven. Elle Gunawamsa Thera, Chief Incumbent of Dharmayatana Viharaya, donated Buddhist flags to thousands of travelling vehicles and to be displayed the Buddhist flag throughout city of Colombo.

For the ongoing Vesak celebration in Sri Lanka as the most important event of the Buddhist people, we express our commitment, respect and gratitude to the leadership given by Maha Sangha from generation to generation.

The government has set up a special programme and necessary facilities to the Dharmayatana temple, where our children, the war heroes gathered, to continue such work. A small child makes a small Vesak lantern for the Lord Buddha with so much devotion in his heart? Also, we are having a great opportunity for the whole nation to wake up and pass on the teachings of Lord Buddha to the country and the world.

On Vesak Day and in Vesak programmes, we remember and devote ourselves to the practice of the middle way introduced by Lord Buddha as the greatest gift that can be given to the world today.

Elle Gunawamsa Thero speaking at the event -

"I have been trying to make Vesak a success for twenty to twenty five years. Vesak is the biggest festival for Buddhists. There was a conspiracy against Vesak within the country then and now. Some people have been spreading various opinions in the society since then, such as these are useless work, why are they being built, and if a house is built, it will be more fruitful. There are a group of non-governmental organizations. Now there is a group of people who propagate ideas such as don’t worship your mother and father.
For twenty to twenty five years I have not given up my efforts to preserve Vesak festival. And it has been successful. The Prime Minister gave a lot of strength to make this Vesak festival a success. Today, the government mechanism is very slow. Not strong. We, the public should come forward together to strengthen it."

Maha Sangha, Minister Tiran Alles, State Minister Sisira Jayakodi, MP Yadamini Gunawardena, Secretary to the Ministry of Public Administration Pradeep Yasaratne, Colombo District Secretary K. G. Wijesiri, Inspector General of Police Deshabandu Tennakoon and many three wheeler owners joined this occasion.

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