Development projects in Kilinochchi will be implemented speedily – Prime Minister

Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena said the government has allocation additional development funds for speedy implementation of projects. Speaking at the opening of the Business Service Centre in Kilinochchi on July 12, he urged the district leaders, government officials and other stakeholders to quickly complete the projects undertaken in the district, under the guidance of the Northern Governor.

The Prime Minister further stated;

“New allocation is made for development by the President, taking on the responsibility of allocating Provincial funds and special funds for development to every district, every province and, every AG division is to be covered.

This meeting and the report would show how Kilinochchi has proceeded. I thank all the officials and the members of parliament who contributed to that, taking on issues of development. We have to accept that since monetary crisis and the crisis that we had gone through. Despite that we have taken these steps for development under President Wickremesinghe’s guidance. We did not hide anything and very clearly stated the real situation to Parliament and the public.

The first year war was a difficult challenge that we met and we hope the major challenges have already been met, but we have to overcome others by taking responsibility in order to implement development plans. That is where these meetings, District Development meeting has to take place at a much more faster rate. We have no money just to distribute, every rupee that is distributed has to produce some result that is what the President said. All of you specially the MPs, and the District Secretaries to work along with the Governor and the district leaders in order to achieve these objectives.

I hope the Kilinochchi development will take place according to the frame, that have been laid down so I would like specially to request GA and all of the public officials, AGs, Grama Niladari officers to take responsibilities of implementation monitoring and reporting back because we want the approved projects to be completed in one month.

Once again, I commend the farmers of Kilinochchi for been able to participate in the government agriculture development programmes which aim for economic development for the country.

I have travelled to many districts, there are lot of state lands idling under-utilized, or not utilized for any purpose other than being forest land. So, agricultural officers and the district level officers identity is to see that the farmers are able or the youth are able to get to these lands, even on lease and cultivate."

Minister Douglas Devanada, Governor P S M Charles, MPs M A Sumanthiran, Angajan Ramanathan, C Vigneshwaran, Dharmalingam Siddharthan, Sivagnanam Shritharan, Yadamini Gunawardena, Ministry of Public Administration Secretary Pradeep Yasaratne, District Secretary Ambalawanar Sivabalasundaran and public and private officials took part in this meeting.

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