Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena held a discussion with Dr Krihsnamurthy Subramanian, Executive Director of International Monetary Fund (IMF) at the Temple Trees in Colombo on March 19.
Dr Subramanium briefed the progress of the agreed programme and stated that IMF Board of Directors would decide on providing further assistance to Sri Lanka at the next Board Meeting scheduled for June 2024.
The Prime Minister briefed the IMF Executive Director about the measures taken and explained the progress of the welfare scheme under which the monetary assistance to the weaker segment of the society.
MP Yadamini Gunawardena, Secretary to the Prime Minister, Anura Dissanayake, IMF Alternative Executive Director Dr P K G Harschandra and CBSL Deputy Director Dr. V D Wickramarachchi also took part in the discussion.
Later a delegation of debt-restructuring facilitators Lazard Frères SAS and Clifford Chance LLP briefed the Prime Minister on their discussions with Paris Club members and other creditors.
The delegation included Lazard Frères SAS Executive Director Jerome Alexis, Associate Director Valère Pierard, Analyst Francesca Reffo and Clifford Chance LLP Partner Deborah Zandstra, Senior and Associate James Kelton and CBSL Deputy Director Yohan Samaratunge.
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