Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena stressed that it is essential to prepare a systematic report of data on the school dropouts expeditiously. Addressing the Regional Development Committee meeting held at the Maharagama Divisional Secretariat on 08.05.2023, he pointed out that it will be difficult to implement proper programs targeting the future of those children without clear information about the children who dropout of school.
If children who leave school at the end of G.C.E. Ordinary Level and Advanced Level examinations for various reasons do not engage in higher education, their personal development would be affected apart from creating a social issue. The Prime Minister pointed out that it is essential that the children who were registered in the school up to G.C.E. Ordinary level or up to Advanced level should be recorded at the level of the respective divisional secretariat and that it is imperative to find out the way in which these children leave without taking the exam and for what reason they do so.
Although the facilities including foreign aid are received to enhance education in this country and equip the youth with technology, the inability to complete necessary data system may lead to a situation where those programs cannot be implemented.
The prime minister instructed the government officials to immediately start recording the data on the children who drop out of school.
The Prime Minister graced the exhibition of Vesak greeting cards designed by school children and the sculpture exhibition of artiste Anura Dahanayake.
Former Western Province Chief Minister Isura Devapriya, Western Province former MPs Upali Kodikara, Salochana Gamage, Maharagama Divisional Secretary Dilrukshi Walpola and other government officials participated in this event.
Prime Minister’s Media Division