The country should move towards a situation where everyone’s demands can be fulfilled in the upcoming budget... - Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena

People’s support is needed to make success on the steps that have been taken in that regard...

The Prime Minister made these comments today (07.07.2024) participating in the occasion of declaring open the new building of Hanwella Philip Gunawardena Community Hall.

The Prime Minister speaking at the event stated that -

"We build buildings and vest them in the public. There should also be a plan to make use of the buildings. When schools close at two thirty in the afternoon they are reopened in the next morning. How many such buildings are available? That is why the government decided to use these buildings to provide various vocational training to children who leave school after completing their education. Approvals have already been given for financial allocations and training courses for that programme. We must take advantage of them.

Currently, a three-storey school building cannot be built without spending about forty or fifty million rupees. If those buildings can be used by children for a few more hours, their future after leaving school can be secured.

Not everyone goes to university. Everyone does not pass every exam. Parents have to bear that burden. Now the Provincial councils, community leaders, community societies, and various institutions in villages should assist the programme carried out by the government, offering the training courses.

The percentage of elderly people in our country is currently increasing. We have prepared and taken a decision to work with such organizations not only in our country but also with other countries for the well-being of the elderly people, through Divisonal Secretariats, through community leaders, as Members of Parliament.

The opening of such paths in our country has now started again. After overcoming the difficult situation faced by the country in the past, it is transforming itself into a growing economy. Accordingly, various countries have started removing the restrictions which were imposed on our country.

Visa restrictions imposed by Korea were completely removed. Korean tourists can now come to Sri Lanka as before. As a country that looks at all these fields in order to provide opportunities for new careers, Japan has allowed the scheme where the youth of our country can once again be involved in various trainings. It is because of the trust created between those countries and our government.

This year is a challenging time. In the recent times, we were created an environment where the people of this province and the whole country could equally engage in food production. We have come out of the worst food crisis we have faced as a country by achieving certain targets. It was done by the rural people. Their dedication has become the greatest strength of the country today.

Aeroplanes from other countries that have not travelled to Sri Lanka before have started arriving at Sri Lankan airports again. Therefore, the increase in the number of tourists coming to our country from various airlines is because of the confidence that is placed in our country.

Recently, more than eight thousand employees were given permanent appointments in many local government institutions.

Our children should study in schools. We are making great efforts to resolve the prevailing issues of university staff. A large number of our children have been admitted to universities. These institutions are national institutions. If we do not fulfil the task of national institutions, the damage it cause will be serious.

We must provide education to children. It is our duty. We must fulfil that duty. I have also staged many strikes. Let us get through this difficult period."

Member of Parliament Yadamini Gunawardena, former Deputy Speaker Geethanjana Gunawardena, Gamini Welikala, and local residents participated in this event.

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