UNESCO has a major role to look after millions of children and young people that are out of schools and without opportunities – Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena

Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena lamented that violent attacks have been extended on schools and universities and there are even more victims of war, natural disasters and epidemics. “As a result especially millions of children and young people are out of schools and without opportunities,” he said at the UNESCO 75th anniversary held at the BMICH on July 16.

“UNESCO was founded in the wake of a world war. Millions had perished, millions had been forced to flee from death and despair, millions had lost their homes and left everything behind in search of a better future,” he said adding that UNESCO has a major in looking after the victimized children.

UNESCO Director General; Audry Azuley, first Lady Prof Maithree Wickremesinghe, Education Minister Susul Premajayantha, ministers, ambassadors and many other dignitaries attended this event.
Following is the full text of the speech made by the Prime Minister at the UNESCO 75th Anniversary on July 16, 2024.
Hon Mahinda yapa Abeywardena, Speaker of Parliament
First Lady Prof Maithree Wikramasingha
Hon Minister Susil Premajayantha, Minister of Education and other Ministers
UNESCO Director General, Her Excellency Audrey Azouley,
Excellencies, ladies & gentlemen,
Teachers and students

I am privileged to be at this celebration of 75th anniversary of UNESCO-Sri Lanka partnership. Hon President Ranil Wikramasinge has declared and committed to the acceleration and implementation of UNESCO actions.

I appreciate the opportunity to address you as Sri Lanka is one of the main nations with a historical civilizational base in the world and in the United Nations family. Especially, the civilizational marvel of over 15 centuries old capital city of “Anuradhapura”. 76 years ago, we obtained our independence from colonial tyranny that almost succeeded destroying over two and half millennia of heritage rich of education, sciences, & cultural values.

Ever since our great partnership with UNESCO, over the past three quarters of a century, it has immensely helped us gain a multitude of support to restore our rich heritage and even go onto get special attention for 8 special sites and be listed as UNESCO World Heritage sites.

Since its inception in 1945, UNESCO has done a yeoman service in the fields of education, culture and science, to foster dialogue among civilizations, enhance understanding of cultures and people, promote commonly shared values and contribute towards sustainable development. UNESCO has been able to play a pivotal role in global affairs by fostering cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue and a culture of peace, and building inclusive knowledge societies through information and communication.

Its services to attain quality education for all, lifelong learning, mobilization of scientific knowledge and policy for sustainable development are UNESCO’s most laudable features.

Sri Lanka highly values the contributions of UNESCO over the years, especially, the celebration of International Day of Vesak, commemorating the teachings of the Buddha. Buddhism facilitates a unique platform of inter-faith dialogue, with Hinduism, Christianity, & Islam.

As an active member of UNESCO, we have also served on the decision making of 58-member Executive Board of UNESCO on numerous occasions. Our Education Minister Hon Susil Premajayantha serves, elected to the Executive Board during his time as Minister of Education in Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka has contributed to the central decision making process for 27 years of its membership in the Executive Board, and has been able to support the steering of the organization at some of the most trying times of its existence. Sri Lanka has been able to play a crucial role as a Member State of the Asia-Pacific group, the largest regional grouping at UNESCO.

Sri Lankan universities have received number of grant funds under the UNESCO Participation Programme. UNESCO also funded projects toward mitigating the impact of Climate Change, World Heritage sites with special focus on the Caves in Dambulla and Frescoes at Sigiriya under the Cultural Triangle Project, empowering stakeholders to combat stunting and wasting of children; and the strengthening of the partnership between academia, environment and cultural experts and even rural farming communities.

Education, science, culture, communication and information are all essential in a world where people are increasingly interconnected and dependent on each other.

UNESCO was founded in the wake of a world war. Millions had perished, millions had been forced to flee from death and despair, and millions had lost their homes and left everything behind in search of a better future.

Today, just as much during inception of UNESCO, the world is facing the largest refugee crisis since world war II. People are fleeing from wars and conflict, when some of the world most historical civilizational bases are destroyed into mere ruble.

Not only attacks have extended on to schools and universities but there are even more numbers of victims of war, natural disasters and epidemics. As a result especially millions of children and young people are out of schools and without opportunities.

Our partnership has a responsibility to promote peace, reconciliation, and resilience, to try to prevent and mitigate future crises.

Education is a fundamental human right, it is also essential to ensure inclusive, equitable and sustainable development. Fundamental education provides people with skills, knowledge and values they need to tackle various challenges they are likely to face in society.

Sri Lanka is proud of great commitment and investment made in the spheres of education, and today, Sri Lankan education system is committed to the watchwords of "No One is Left Behind".

Before I conclude, I wish to make this an opportunity to thank Audrey Azoulay the Director General of UNESCO for making this special visit to Sri Lanka and join us to celebrate this important partnership on this occasion.

In conclusion, I wish to state that Sri Lanka has gained immensely from its membership in UNESCO, and I am proud to say Sri Lanka too made a significant contribution, thus making it a win-win partnership.

Thank you.