Today we are able to open the doors that were closed by the world... - Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena

There was a time when the world did not accept us...

The Prime Minister made these comments on 08.07.2024 while attending the commencement of construction of the three-storied building of Maharagama Vidyakara Vidyalaya.

An amount of 25 million of provisions of Western Provincial Council and Prime Minister’s decentralized funds have been allocated for the construction of this building.

The Prime Minister speaking at the event commented that -

"Maharagama Vidyakara Vidyalaya, which is one of the best and the only leading girls’ school in this area, sees its students developing with various abilities and talents. In the examinations and competitions, they show excellence in diversity and enter into universities and other fields. The children have shown the outcomes of the joint efforts of parents, principal and teachers.

The value of education does not decay like other things. Nothing except what we have learnt will remain. Therefore, dear children, classroom tools that can improve the wealth of knowledge that you gather in this school are being added to the classroom and to the household.

Since 1983, I have worked with a special relationship with Maharagama as a Member of Parliament. We were able to contribute to raising the hopes and aspirations of the people of Maharagama as well as with love and respect to the children, contribution could be made to fulfil the expectation of them. During that time, great progress was made in the society throughout the country. Not only in our society, but also in the world, technology is transforming rapidly. Vidyakara Vidyalaya was transformed completely than it was when I was appointed as the Maharagama MP and was able to move forward. We have helped the colleges with great love and respect because we live in the heart of Maharagama city. Vidyakara Vidyalaya is the heart of Maharagama city.

We live in difficult times. Such a period was not faced before. Among the reliefs that can be given economically and financially, due to the measures we took during a difficult period, Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe was able to give more money to the Provincial Councils this time. The decentralized funds were increased. We need to understand this profound difference. There too, the priority is given to provide provisions for expenditure heads of education and the daily facilities of the people. We have passed this challenging time.

Friendship and brotherhood should be protected. There was a day when the world did not accept us. Today, I have been able to join hands with the President in the great role of bringing the world to a state where it can be accepted again and to open the doors that have been closed by the world to us. It was said that no country will negotiate with us. Maharagama people know how difficult that is. We brought the trade that was in Pettah to Maharagama. Those who do business in Pamunuwa know how difficult it was in the past to bring a piece of cloth from overseas. Due to the acceptance of all the fields in which foreign countries deal with us, we as a country have been able to start new projects in the economic journey that we need today. We have reached that economic growth with difficulty..."

Mr. Roshan Gunathilaka, Governor of the Western Province, commented that -

"We are very happy that classrooms for children with special needs have been reserved in this building. We should always be aware of the abilities of children with special needs and work to develop those abilities. This building cannot be stopped after the ground floor. Both remaining floors need to be completed. We promise to continue working for that purpose. This school records good results in scholarship, Ordinary Level and Advanced Level examinations. Therefore, it is our responsibility to provide all necessary assistance to this school."

Member of Parliament Yadamini Gunawardena, principal, teachers, parents and students participated in this event.

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