The woman in the Sri Lankan society always held a unique position. She was the pride of the nation and on past occasions she reigned the nation and took the leadership in politics and in many other spheres in society. The woman who acts steadfastly in the face of crisis is the strength of the family, society and the country.
Women who represent 52% of the total population work with great dedication in relation to the development of the country. We need to pay more attention to the problems she faces at school, home, workplace and on the road as she portrays her role as a daughter, wife, mother, grandmother, citizen and social worker. It is the responsibility of the entire society to protect the rights of women who sacrifice their lives for the betterment of society and family.
It is a sad situation that despite having made a special contribution to the development of the country, the majority of women in this country have not joined with the banking system. Therefore the state and commercial banks should be creative and pay close attention to remove the obstacles for women to join the banking system for the future betterment of women.
The Ministry of Women, Child Affairs, and Social Empowerment is making laws and policies for the empowerment required for women in social, economic and political spheres. Despite the current social difficulties, programmes for women’s nutrition, health and education and for creating new employment opportunities are being implemented continuously. Our sole objective is to produce a strong and productive generation of women who suite the new world by understanding her needs as well as her knowledge and skills.
The International Day marked on behalf of her should not be another day of celebration but it should be meaningfully observed as an example to the future. It cannot be limited to a single day. She is a most valuable treasure to the society.
Dinesh Gunawardena (M.P.),
Prime Minister,
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
08th March 2024